If you’re looking for ways to help your child have a more positive and successful dental appointment in Allen, Texas, then you have come to the right blog. Our dentists, Drs. Hunter and Coe, have the tips and information you need to help your child feel more comfortable in the hands of the dentist. Those tips are: -Give your child... read more »
Sucking is a natural reflex for infants; they even suck their fingers in the womb. Thumb sucking or pacifiers help babies to feel secure and happy as they learn and grow. Between the ages of two and four, however, thumb sucking and pacifier use should begin to decline. This is because it can create prolonged misalignment issues with your child’s... read more »
Dr. Jessie Hunter and our dental team understand that the dental office can be a nerve-wracking place, especially for children. However, there are ways you can change this. So if your child gets scared for their dental appointments, we encourage you to use our helpful tips. The first tip is to use positive words (like clean, healthy, and strong) when... read more »
Baby teeth can be confusing, especially because all they seem to do is grow into the mouth and then fall out of it. However, baby teeth are more important than you might realize, and we are happy to tell you all about them by providing the answers to the following questions: When do baby teeth come in? Generally, baby teeth... read more »