Do you know what you would do while you’re standing in the store choosing a toothbrush for your child? Did you know that your little one’s toothbrush can actually have a major impact on their oral health? How do you choose the right brush for your child? The first thing you should consider is the firmness of a brush’s bristles.... read more »
Your baby has 20 primary teeth, also called “baby teeth,” under their gum line. These teeth usually start to break through the gums between 6 and 12 months. The teething process is uncomfortable, so your baby may be irritable during the day and have a hard time sleeping at night. Drs. Hunter and Coe are happy to give tips about... read more »
Your children’s teeth are very important to their overall development—but do you know what you can do to help you keep your little ones’ teeth healthy? Your children’s foundation for healthy permanent teeth starts within the first few years of their life. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help your kids enjoy healthy smiles for a... read more »
Do you ever wonder what you can do if your children don’t enjoy brushing their teeth? It’s important for you to help your kids brush their teeth to prevent cavities and a number of other serious issues. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to help your little ones enjoy brushing—which can make the experience considerably more comfortable... read more »
Building healthy habits when your children are young is vital for their developing teeth and gums. While you will have to help them when they are small, there are things you can do to make it fun for them as they learn to take over. Babies: Beginning when they are babies, get them used to oral care from the onset.... read more »