The number one enemy of your child’s smile is tooth decay. No child looks forward to receiving dental treatment as a result of advanced tooth decay in their teeth. Fortunately, we can help you prevent dental cavities in your child’s teeth and protect their dental health. First, we encourage you to ensure that you or your child cleans their smile... read more »
Sucking is a natural reflex for infants; they even suck their fingers in the womb. Thumb sucking or pacifiers help babies to feel secure and happy as they learn and grow. Between the ages of two and four, however, thumb sucking and pacifier use should begin to decline. This is because it can create prolonged misalignment issues with your child’s... read more »
Did you know that flossing is possibly the most important way to prevent gum disease? Did you know that it is vital to cavity prevention as well? Well, it’s true! At Allen Pediatric Dentistry in Allen, Texas, our dental team wants to help you and your child have the best smile possible. That’s why we’ve prepared these tips for you... read more »