Sucking is a natural reflex for infants; they even suck their fingers in the womb. Thumb sucking or pacifiers help babies to feel secure and happy as they learn and grow. Between the ages of two and four, however, thumb sucking and pacifier use should begin to decline. This is because it can create prolonged misalignment issues with your child’s... read more »
Although thumb sucking is generally seen as a common habit that children have, it can be a serious problem and lead to serious oral health defects, including misalignments and slow growth of the permanent teeth. Thumb sucking can cause malocclusions and other spacing issues that result from the constant stress placed on the teeth. Although pacifiers may seem like a... read more »
Young children suck on pacifiers, thumbs, and fingers to soothe themselves, help themselves fall asleep, and to learn about the world. Thumb sucking helps young children feel happy and secure. Children usually stop sucking their thumbs around two to four years old, or when their permanent teeth begin to erupt. If your child continues to suck their thumb after their... read more »